Pleasant Touch Massage Therapy Gresham Oregon

Pleasant Touch Massage

An Intuitive Massage Experience

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Meditation Basics: Counting breaths is not like counting sheep.

Meditation Basics: Counting breaths is not like counting sheep. “Just close your eyes and count your breaths,” they say. How simple can it be? “Don’t think about anything else though. Just concentrate on your breathing.” Well, anyone who has tried this “simple” meditation knows that it just isn’t that easy. There are many obstacles to …

Meditation Basics: Counting breaths is not like counting sheep. Read More »

Relaxing The Mind

: What is relaxation? In common terminology, relaxation means that we leave ourselves free of tension. Relaxing mind may mean that the mind is not under stress or active. In today’s lifestyle, this looks difficult. Isn’t it? Now a days, most of us believe to be being under stress during most of the week and …

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Six Types Of Meditation

There are so many different types of meditation. How many? Who knows, but enough so that you can find the one that’s right for you. To get your search started, here are six types of meditation you can try. 1. Breath watching. Can meditating be as simple as paying attention to your breath for a …

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The Battle between Mindfulness and Active Meditation

Optimistic or pessimistic thoughts and feelings, noises, the things you see – everything around you, may it be distraction or not should be received as you do mindfulness meditation. You are not to exclude anything with this type of meditation; all you need to do is sit down in peace and perceive any past or …

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The Body’s Energy Centers

Eastern philosophy and medicine, originating in ancient India and China, have traditionally regarded body structures and the life processes occurring within as inseparable. Their terminology resides halfway between structure and function and identifies certain entities in the human body, representing the flow of life energy and, in some sense, conduits for that flow that do …

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What exactly is Zen meditation? And why is this meditation technique associated with Buddhists? Zen meditation is not unlike any other forms and methods of meditation. However, some view meditation as a spiritual practice to achieve self-awareness. Its association with Buddhists is not by chance. Actually, Zen Buddhists are known as Meditation Buddhists. Zazen, The …

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